ECMO Advantage Specialist – PRN, PART TIME, or FULL TIME Positions Available.


  • Minimum of 3 Years ECMO Specialist experience.
  • Travel
    • PRN must be prepared to offer at least 3 day blocks of call. Up to 10-20 day blocks of call may be available
    • Full Time Specialists should expect to travel up to 10 to 24 days/month
  • Flexible schedule

Job duties may include:

  • ECMO Specialist Staffing
  • ECMO Specialist Precepting of newly trained ECMO Specialists at the bedside
  • ECMO Training including ECMO lectures, wet drills and simulations
  • ECMO Consulting

Desired Skills and Expertise:

  • Familiarity with advanced ECMO support for all patient populations
  • Familiarity with centrifugal ECMO systems
  • Ability to assess the ECMO patient and understand how the patient’s disease process impacts and is impacted by ECMO support
  • Ability to trouble shoot and fix any problem with the ECMO Circuit
  • Ability to prime and initiate ECMO support
  • Ability to appropriately wean and assist with decannulation and termination of ECMO support
  • Confidence in speaking to others professionally about ECMO in the role of educator, preceptor, ambassador, or ECMO Specialist (including appropriate discussions with families)
  • Ability to professionally explain rationale to other health care professionals caring for ECMO patient
  • Ability to comfortably become part of a cohesive healthcare team in an unfamiliar environment
  • Ability to adapt quickly to new ideas and concepts and determine which ideas are valid to allow for safe care of the ECMO patient in an unfamiliar environment.

We want to make sure this is the best fit for you, for us, and for our patients. The interview and selection process MAY involve the candidate creating and presenting a brief (<15 minutes) presentation related to ECMO.

Please send a complete CV/Resume to for initial review. ALL REFERENCES will be checked and successful candidates will be subject to a background check as well as drug testing prior to being assigned to any ECMO Advantage client site.

ECMO Advantage provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetics.